Civil Engineer

Yang Dongbi
Зарплата от 1000 до 1500 USD
от 1000 до 1500 USD
Занятость Полная занятость
Полная занятость
Адрес Узбекистан, Алмалык
Описание вакансии
  • Responsible for the civil construction management of power engineering or energy storage power station projects. Supervise the progress, quality and cost control of civil engineering projects. Ensure that the construction complies with design specifications and local building regulations. Coordinate with professional teams such as electrical and mechanical.
  • Bachelor's degree in civil engineering or related majors. At least 3 years of experience in civil construction of power engineering or energy storage power stations. Familiar with concrete structure, steel structure construction and foundation treatment. Ability to review construction drawings and manage sites. Good English communication skills, familiarity with local languages is preferred.
Опыт 1-3 года
Условия работы
График работы Полный день
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